Because of today's business environment, a web site has become an essential element of providing quality customer service. Customer's expect businesses to have an internet presence.
As a Professional Business, the internet provides customers with 24 hour, 7 day a week support, access to account information, the capability to browse inventory for the products and services business provides. And the business cost is marginal compared to the return on investment through sales and customer satisfaction.
Technology Perceptions websites follow the W3C web-devolpment standard and are run by software that is called the MCP® which is an acronym for Master Control Program. The MCP® is HTML 5 compliant and is written in Perl coupled with CSS which is an acronym for Cascading Style Sheets.
The MCP has never been hacked. Technology Perceptions has been involved in software and hardware technology since the late 70's, and is very familiar with various methods employed by hackers. Technology Perceptions doesn't like spammers which are people or bots using online contact forms with their products or services. If you contact Technology Perceptions with anything like that the MCP® will blacklist both your email address and your devices IP address from using the contact form. This will take place across all websites that utilize a contact form. If Technology Perceptions finds that you are indeed trying to hack the MCP® Technology Perceptions will blacklist your IP Address from accessing any websites.
The MCP® is a webpage generator. Technology Perceptions uses this software to design your website for any registered domain name. If you want a website, the minimum fee is $500.00 and the website is hosted free of charge. The MCP® software resides on Technology Perceptions webserver. If you want a website on your webserver, Technology Perceptions will design separate software other than the MCP® as this softwares source code is a registered trademark of Technology Percepions and will not be disseminated on another persons or companies webserver.
If you want a customized website to sell your store's inventory across the internet or just locally within your store Technology Perceptions has designed software that creates a fully functional e-commerce webpage from a stores inventory database. The cost for that is negotiable. Increase your sales, with a webbased e-commerce system, you can check out your customers from your store and you can snag sales across the world wide web.